WashU Ombuds operate in strict adherence to the International Ombuds Association (IOA) Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics with full support of the university administration. The IOA standards encompass four core principles: confidentiality, independence, impartiality, and informality. Use of the Offices of the Ombuds is voluntary and cannot be required.

1. Confidentiality

  • Strict confidentiality is essential to the ombuds function and helps create a safe place for visitors to voice concerns, evaluate issues and identify options.
  • Ombuds assistance is off-the-record.
  • The only exceptions to confidentiality arise when the ombuds determines there to be an imminent risk of serious harm or when a court orders disclosure of information despite the university’s efforts to maintain the confidentiality of communications with the ombuds office.
  • The ombuds does not disclose the identity of visitors to the office or the content of conversations unless permission has been given to do so.
  • If a visitor has given permission to do so, the ombuds may disclose information to other offices or individuals whose help is necessary to explore or resolve a problem.
  • Even with the permission of the visitor, the ombuds will neither disclose documents nor testify, attend or participate in formal proceedings.
  • WashU will make every effort to protect the confidentiality of the office. The university will not ask the ombuds to testify on the university’s behalf in internal or external proceedings, and it will take appropriate steps to protect the ombuds from subpoena by others.

2. Independence

  • The offices function outside existing administrative structure and reports to higher administration* for budgetary and administrative purposes only.
  • The ombuds neither compel other offices to take specific action nor receive compulsory orders about how to approach a particular issue.
  • The offices complement other informal and formal campus resources. They do not replace or duplicate them or their processes.
  • The ombuds have no authority to establish, change or set aside any university rule or policy nor may the ombuds override the decisions of university officials.
  • The ombuds have access to all university officials and records as needed to carry out the functions of the office.
  • The ombuds take all steps to avoid conflicts of interest, whether actual or perceived.
  • The ombuds may and should attend university and departmental meetings as appropriate, but does not serve as a voting member of any university committee or group.

3. Impartiality

  • The ombuds stive to be objective in all circumstances brought to their attention.
  • Maintaining an impartial stance, the ombuds are an advocate for institutional fairness and the fair administration of processes. The ombuds do not, however, take sides on behalf of any individual, cause or dispute, or show preference for a particular outcome.
  • The ombuds take into consideration the needs and interests of all parties, as well as the welfare of the university and university community.

4. Informality

  • The ombuds provide informal assistance only, and are not part of any formal grievance process.
  • A visitor’s confidential disclosure to the ombuds does not constitute notice to the university of any claims a visitor may have; any concerns about the university’s compliance with laws, regulations or policies; or any questionable practices at the university. Moreover, such conversations do not suspend or extend any time limits by which notice of claims must be provided to the university.
  • The ombuds have no authority to accept legal notice or make decisions on behalf of the university. For those wishing to go on record, the ombuds make referrals to appropriate formal channels so that visitors may make informed choices about which process is best for them to pursue.
  • The ombuds are authorized request and receive information and data if the ombuds believe it would be helpful in understanding an issue and aiding in the informal resolution of a concern.
  • The ombuds do not conduct formal investigations. Similarly, the following are prohibited activities, whereby the ombuds shall not:
    • Adjudicate cases
    • Act as an advocate or witness in any case inside or outside the university
    • Keep records for the university
    • Assess wrongdoing or innocence
    • Determine sanctions
    • Make, change or set aside any rule, policy or administrative decision